Monday, November 27, 2006

2006 Exxon Mule Deer Hunt in NM

I was guiding last week with my cousin C2 on the annual Exxon mule deer hunt at the ranch. We took seven bucks overall out of nine hunters and averaged 9 points on each deer taken.

Above: Matt & Trey with their deer, standing with Chuckles & his hunting rig.

* My cousin Ryan with his 9 point buck.

* My cousin Trey with his 9 point buck. He brought him down with one shot at 160 yards.

* Aussie Matt with his nice 7 point buck. He dropped his deer with one shot at 60 yards.

* My cousin C2(left) with Chuckles(right) and Z-Man(middle) all with Z's 11 point buck.

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