Monday, November 30, 2009

2nd Rifle Season for Mule Deer in NM

We did pretty good on the 2nd rifle season with my cousin's group in NM. We had six hunters with three of them taking bucks. Out of the other three, one hunters missed a REALLY nice ten point, another missed two shooter bucks and the last passed up a really nice nine point the first night only to go home eating tag soup.

The first two pictures below are of Bob's really nice buck. He was super heavy and required and grand total of nine shots to put him down. He started running from Bob and my cousin C2 about 325 yards away down a canyon and that's when WWIII started. When all the smoke cleared Bob had his buck. The very bottom picture is of Paul's nice eight point. Paul is on the right with his brother John(Buster) pictured on the left. Paul shot it in the very back corner of our steepest pasture. Paul and I had a hell of a time getting it out of there on a four-wheeler but it was well worth it.

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